Page 13 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 13

11 19 t@j(f!OSSOK~ 15 II


                     A  oRrw  P.  ~Io  T\GLTE.  A.  ~I..  PH.D.,  LL.D.                       Pre  ident
                     \\"'"u 1.1\.\1  B.  Jo  I·S,  A.B.,  A. \I.   Dean  ot  'ollt't!:t'  and  Profe  or  of  Ln~li h
                      'H \Rl  I·<)  \I.  BRITT.\!. T.  A. B.          Prote .... -.or  of  Bible  and  Philo ophy

                     \\T \LTI R  H.  HADDOCK,  ... B .•  \I.  CCTS.           l )ean  ot  Bu-.ine   Lhool
                       -\\ICEL  Lo  < ••   .B.                                     Pro  e  or  ot  • c1ence
                     Ct.\RI· '\ CI·  H.  RI  II \RD  0   •  B .• ·.   Profe-.  or  of  Education  and  ~I athematic

                     L.  PIRC\  lR\ l   •  A.B.               Profe sor  ot  \Iodnn  Lanl,!tiat!t'  and  (Jreek
                     FERRO!    .  :\\1  •. B.,  Profes~or of  Latin,  ln 'tt\lctl)r in  Ent!:li ... h  and  Ph)-.iral  Director.
                     :\II   RHOD \  L.  .  L   \LI \.  .B ..  ItO ..
                                      Dean  ot  \\Tomen  and  ln. tructor  in  E  pre-.sion  and  Ph)  ir,tl  'ulture.
                             \DH  RI  1 R,  B.L.                                 Instructor  in  I•  me  \rt
                     :\II·  EDITH  DA  1  PornR,  B .• · ..  Dean  ot  , chool  of  \Iusic  and  In  trurtor  in  \  otce

                     :\IRS.  E  TELLE  TRIBBLE                                    Instructor  in  Hi  tory
                           H  \LI.II  GR.\  Bl RR\                                  Instructor  in  Piano

                     \II  S  _.\'\   II  :TIPHI              Librarian  and  In  tructor  in  Bu  ine s  :dwol
                            \I \UDE  ::\lo  H  FY                                   In  tructor in  \  tolin
                            'u,o  L\TI:\II R.   .B.                          ln. tructor  in  the   cademy
                     \Irs  LH>  OR\  D1   SIIR                                      In  tructor  in  Piano

                     :\I.  A.  F \R\II R                                    I n-.trurtor  in  the  AL ,tdemy
                     H \RR  C.  Ih    1 TT        Instructor  in  the  Academ)  and  Director  of  ( ') mna  ium
                     :\II   ::\1  \UlH·   .  ::\Io  T  \G  h                  .'t'L retar)  to  the  Pre  ident
                     ::\IR  .  r  TLLLE  H\ 1 R                                                ..\latron
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