Page 11 - chs-1942
P. 11

"  ... libert;.  equality,  and  fraterntt)"

                             1~he french  ftag  \\,1\ ed  O\ er  Florida for  onl;

                             a  hort titne  and  left fe\\  deep  itnpre -- ion  on
                             Florida  a ~  a  \\hole.  .  fe\\  'Cattered  I-f ugue-
                             not  ettlen1er1t '  te ' tih  to  the  turd\  tniddle-
                             cia ,~  pioneer.  But to our tnind ,  cmne '  another
                             t; pe  of  Frenchtnan        dar in r,  \  olatde,  ga;
                             and  f ri \ olou  ; et  :1 tn pathetic,  co  n1opol i tan,

                             \'er  atile,  cultured,  \\ith  a  keen  \\tt and  intel-
                             1 e c t u a 1 c u r i o  i t) .

                             T lz e  flay  of  I lz e  de nl o l  rat i c,  I i her I y -I o 7.' in y,
                             yay,  rz.L·itty  French  has  been  selected  to  tvpify
                             our classe  .

                                  B 0  () K  I I

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