Page 9 - chs-1947
P. 9


      The  wealth  of  .1  nation  lie  in  it  men  and  women-the  '> ·e.1lth  of  .1
      town  IIC  in  it  citizens-the  wealth  of  a  s  hool  lie  m  its  '>tudcnt  -
      tho e  who  :1rc  within  it  wail  today  laughing,  rrivin~.  working  to-
      gether-and  tho   who  have  pa  ed  and  ,rill  pa  s  throu~h it  d  r  to

      take  their  pl.  e  of  re  pon  ibility  in  the  world.
         orne  who  have  lived  among  us  a   tudent  found  that  their  call  of

      duty  led  to  a  battlefield  where  the  r  g.we  their  live  that  our  nation,
      our  town,  and  our  chool,  might  till  rand  in  a  peaceful  world.  Our
       chool  will  nL ver  forget  them.  The  hall   till  ring  with  the  ound  of

      thetr  \ otce  ;  the  football  field  re  ounds  with  their  cheer .  Their  ptrit
        ever  among  u  .

        Therefore  m  memory  and  honor  of  tho e  who  we  knew  and  loved,
      we  dedtcate  thi  second  edition  of  the   or u. 181   to  our  fellow  tu-
      dent  who  h..tve  gtven  their  Inc  m  the  cause  of  freedom.

      jOI:   LL  II   TS                    Jm  \\ .  p  RRIS)[
      H  BIRTDI\     T                      AI I  II.   107lll  PI '  R( I'  jR.

      GIORGI   llLl\                        CH  Rll  RI GIST! R
      \X 1111  . I  T.  Hu STI   D,  jR.      ll  Rll S   IHI
      I Rl))  Kt   RD                       Bill  <,lllllY
      Do   \1  Cor SKI Y                    ARTIIUR    11TH
      WILLI  " I  P.   TORRIS               LI O't D   \\II I  l  y

      ARTHUR  1  OR  \\ ORTH't,  jR.         Kr   IR  0   \\II
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