Page 14 - chs-1984
P. 14

Miss  CHS  1983

                          On  the  evening of \1arch  I  ,  19  3,  u an  Fergu  on
                      wa  crowned  \11   olumbta  High  chool  19  3  u an,
                      the daughter of Mr  and \1r  Dale Fergu  on, i  Pre  tdent
                      of the  tudent  Council,  a  Var  it)'   heerleader,  and  is  a
                      member  of  the  tennt  team
                          The  other  five  ftnalt  t  were   tkki  Gafford,  fir  t
                      runner-up:  Barbra   twood,  econd  runner-up;   manda
                      Glenn,  thtrd  runner-up:  and  Rhonda  Morrell  fourth
                          Ten  other  girl  al  o  competed  for  the  tttle  of  1\.11
                      CH    They  were  all  judged  on  teacher  evaluatton,  an
                      e  ay,  modeling  port  wear  and  evening  gown  ,  and  a
                         I.  ndrea  Po~ell,  \1t   CH   9  2,  cro~n   u  an  Fergu  on  the
                      new  \-ii   CH   2.  The  five  finab   are:  Barbra   t~ood.  Rhonda
                      \1orrell,   manda  Glenn   u  an  Fergu  on,  and   tk  t  Gafford.

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