Page 9 - chs-1993
P. 9

Aclllridirt-ctor  pike lens  d hi  bio-pic of '60  ci\ il
                                                                                rights lt-ader Ualcolm .\  starring Dt-nlel \\ ashington
                                                                                in the title role, supported by  D  lroy  Lindo.

                    J>art alt  rnathe rock concert, part circus, l.ollapalooi'a toured 27 cities nith
                    group  like Pearl .Jam(\\ ith Eddie Vedder), Lush, and th  Red Hot  ' hili
                    J>eppt-rs.  I h  ( oncour  • ofOdditi ·  pro11-id  d a sidt-'>h(m  atmo phcre.

                    Funky Dim\ l<.n  ogue go
                    platinum, charming hip hopper
                    and city <,Ophi  ticates.
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