Page 148 - chs-1997
P. 148

irstmas Party

          The HRS Chn  tmas party wa  more than
          giving  gtft  to  the  kid  but   mg  their
          fa   li  ht up brings  joy to CHS  tudents.
          Vanous club  came to  ether to take part in
          the party. The highlight of the  party was
          when  Santa  Claus  arrived,  played  by

         The future CH  tudent draw  picture  whtle   Cl  "nmg l  round,  F ng  Yun  Yan  h  a gre  t ttm   Playmg h  r gUt tar,  1rs. \  1  ,  entertam~ the
         waiting f  r  anta.                    t the HRS Chn tma  party             chtfdren.

         At snac  lime, Ttffany CanaleJO and Ohvta RIO::.           At the party, Marrisa , 'orth, enJOY  a  n  ck wtth
         pose for a picture wtth their buddte  .                    her new fnend .

          After helpmg wtth the pr  •nt  , Andrea Lucht and   After receiving a tncycle,  Ma  ton Crapp  pu  he   \\h1l  w  lim  pall  ntlr, m hn  , Brandl Dame)  and
          Fang Yun Yang  pend some hm • with thetr n  w pal.   him al  ng.            her  p  1al fnend  y 'Ch   1 "

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