Page 14 - chs-2003
P. 14

Senlotzs 2003

                      When  J1Je  J1Je'le  'fOUn~, hi~h school  J1Jas  thou~ht oi as  a
              sca'llf  and intimidatin~ place.  Y:.tziends  J1Jho  all  patzticipated in
              the same activities sutztzounded us, and J1Je  did evetzl(thin~ to~ethetz.

              !Jt J1Jas  notzmal to see each othetz evetzl(dalf, 6ut noi1J J1Je 'tze  luck'( to
               pass in halls, onllf iotz  a  moment, to ~ive an  upliitin~ smile.
                     'lhtzou~hout the  lfeatzs  thin~s 6e~an to  chan~e, as  outz

              inteusts ~tzei1J J1Jidel1f divetzse.  Slo11Jl1f, outz citzcle oi itziends 6e~an

              to di1Jindle, as J1Je  all J1Jent  outz oi1Jn J1JalfS·  Suddenllf, outz classes
              seemed to 6e  iilled J1Jith  sttzan~etzs as outz  class oi 2003 dtziited

                     Outz dal(S 6ecame lon~etz, as outz spau time J1Jas  iilled J1Jith

              one actitJitl( aite'l anothetz. Soon, J1Je  ii~uud out that hi~h school
              J1Jas nothin~ to 6e ieaud. We statzted to make nei1J itziends, l(oun~

              and old, 6ein~ cauiul to still keep the closest ones in outz heatzts.
              !h J1Jas  that evetz-~'lo11Jin~ distance 6eti1Jeen  etJe'llf  classmate that
              J1Jas  ieaud. We ielt that this ?outznelf,  no mattetz ho11J  excltin~,

              J1Jould  netJe'l  end.

                     Well, it's hetze; J1Je' tJe conquetzed outz ieatzs and hatJe iinished
              the  6attle.  'lhetze's  onllf  one  thin~ leit  to  do  6eiou  J1Je  ~o. We

              must come  to~ethetz in  unit'( and in  stun~th, to  J1Jalk  one  last
              J1Jalk  doi1Jn  the iield oi duams. We must come to~ethetz, one last

              time, 6eiotze  J1Je  6uak apatzt.

         10 Seniors
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