Page 13 - chs-2011
P. 13

Bo red
                                                                                     Sitting on the couch ... bored out
                                                                                     of your mind waiting for that
                                                                                     phone call. The phone call from
                                                                                     that one friend who is some-
                                                                                     what known as "the planner':
                                                                                     You know, the one who plans
                                                                                     the parties, the trips and all the
                                                                                     long days spent at the gang's
                                                                                     favorite spot. Waiting for one of
                                                                                     those nights - around the camp
                                                                                     fire to happen. Anything that
                                                                                     will get you out of the house,
                                                                                     away from those munchkins that
                                                                                     just happen to be your younger
                                                                                     brother and sister. Or maybe you
                                                                                     are that one person that plans
                                                                                     everything and has everyone at
                                                                                     your house on those long boring
                                                                                     nights. Summer boredom ... the
                                                                                     way some spend their summers
                                                                                     and the opposite of others.

                                                                The World  Cup
                                                                The world cup is considered the Super
                                                                Bowl of the soccer world. Every country
                                                                gets to compete but only one will domi-
                                                                nate and win! Thousands of screaming
                                                                fans gather every four years to watch there
                                                                team compete. In case you missed it Spain
                                                                took the World Cup with a score of 1 to 0
                                                                over Netherland.

        1. One of the Lake City
        Welcoming Signs. 2. Kristen                             Teacher 's Summer
        Pace and Levi Buwalda                                   We all wonder what teachers do over there sum-
        pumping gas at a local sta-                             mer vacation. You may think all they do is work
        tion.  3. Weakness postcard.
                                                                or read books but you are so wrong! For example
        4.  Loryn Sumner (1 0) and
        Waseem Halabi (1 1) bored ...                           Mr. Dedge went to Savannah, Georgia and also
        can you see it? 5. Spain                                Orlando, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville. He also
        soccer team after winning                               worked on his plans for world domination.
        the World Cup. 6. A South
        Africa soccer team logo. 7.
        Mr. Dedge, English teacher
        extrodinaire  staring intently
        into the lens of our camera.
                                                                                          Spread layout by  tr  lluw  k>l  .nJ   Mr (owt  J
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