Page 8 - 2016 Columbian
P. 8

1948.  10 miles north of Live Oak, two boils
                                                                               supply 72 degree water in the swimming hole
                                                                               walled in by native lime  tone.  Water flows
                                                                               out portholes in the foreground to the river.
                                                                               Main E-W Hallway. Wall East of Lobby.
                                                                               Turn Left from Lobby. on Left, (L-R),
                                                                               INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION &  OTHER
                                                                               WORK-RELATED SCENES:
                                                                               Single:  Lake City Municipal Airport hangar,
                                                                               April 4,  1935.
                                                                               Pair:  (Top) R.  Gordan Granger's lumber mill,
                                                                               Watertown, 1956; (Bottom) Deck saw at R.
                                                                               Gordan Granger's mill, Watertown, 1956.
                                                                               Single:  Aerial view of  awmill owned by R.
                                                                               Gordan Granger, Watertown, c.  1950s.
                                                                               Pair:  (Top) A worker constructing a mobile
                                                                               home at a plant of Guerdon Industries, Inc.,
                                                                               Lake City, August 1963, by Francis P.
                                                                               Johnson; (Bottom) Finished Mobile home
                                                                               displayed outside a plant of Guerdon
                                                                               Industries, Inc., Lake City, August 1963, by
                                                                               Francis P. Johnson.
                                                                               Single:  Crowd waiting for election result  at
                                                                               the Lake City Reporter, November 1956, by
                                                                               Paul Roy.  Before the days of exit polls &
                                                                               almost instant election return  , it was
                                                                               traditional to await the returns via the
                                                                               new  wire &  teletype machines at a
                                                                               candidate's headquarters or the county court

                                                                               Main E-W Hallway. Continuing East of
                                                                               Lobby. Wall on Left (L-R). INDUSTRIAL
                                                                                PRODUCTION &  LOCAL SHOP:
                                                                                Single:  Generating station on Catawba
                                                                                Street, Lake City, c.  1930.
                                                                                Pair: (Top) Luther Richards starting engine
                                                                                for Florida Power & Light, Lake City,  1941;
                                                                                (Bottom) John  on Feed Plant, Lake City,
                                                                                Single:  Frank Mitchell repairing a shoe at
                                                                                Capell's Shoe Store, Marion St., Lake City,
                                                                                December 1978.

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