Page 29 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 29

Christian 'A.fessi and Shannon Shaw

                                 ?-fey, §tr{j '1'(( never forget you.  'T'h.ese  (ast few years
                          have 6een a tr~.  '1'(( never forget stealing '}(aye's car and
                          her ella  mg u  through the yarking (ot,  or  ome of the crazy
                          junk we yu(fed at Camy 'X.  '1  h.oye your (i_fe  is what you
                          want it to 6e,  and remetn6er '1'([ a(ways 6e  here with my
                          crazy stories to te(( and my gorgeous smife that's to diejor.
                                               'Best 'FriendS Qt(ways,  Shannon

                                 'T'h.ese  years have 6een such a 6(ast.  One day we'((
                          (ook 6ack andfaugh  at the memories ya t.  'lt's 6een a tr~
                          hanging and ch.tffin' with you.  '1'(( a[ways remem6er the iay
                          john and josh (ocked tH in the wa(f-in _freezer and the 6ig
                          food fiah.t jren;y at Camy 'Xu(aquaC  You're a great friend
                          and'17"( never Jorget you and our (ittfe escayaaes.  §ood Luck
                          in the fim.~-re!
                                               Love ?tfways, Christian
                          You 6etter cotne and vistt me and6e there for my wedding.

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