Page 12 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 12

2002-2oos  s~ ~ 0~


                                                             lJi-ce  ~~:~edt~




                ~s S'!]Jhomores enterinB a new scfioo( we sfiarea one common thin3. Our
         commonaUty was our quest to mafe new jrienfsfips.
                Over the (ast three years we  have  five£,  (ovecf,  (auafied, ana criea t'?.Betfier.  ~mona

         us there are various types of strenafits, ta(ents, am6itions, ana aoafs. 1./G-w the time has
         come for each of us to 'beain a new season in our fives.  Whether we move on to start

         careers as mechanics, aoctors, teachers, or (awyers we must remem6er that tfiroua_fiout
         our fiiafi  scfioo( career teachers ana students have aamirea us, the c(ass of 2003, Jor our
         dedication ana fiaraworf.  tThis  fiaraworf ana dedication wi(( shine in our fives !?_rever.

                We must now tafe our hia_fi scfioo( exyeriences ana mafe them memories. ~fie time
         has come to mature into sucesSju( youn8 aau(ts. C(ass of 2003 we sfiou(a afways
         remem6er that fije  is not measured 6y the 6reatfis we tafe 6ut 6y the moments that
         tafe our 6reatfi away.  LtJV'E, L~ru(j1{, LOV'E, 'EXP'E'RtJ'E'lfC'E!!!

                                                                       -'Brittany Pee{er-

                                                                   -Senior C{ass  President-

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