Page 13 - 1971 Falcon
P. 13


                     The  1970-71  Drama  Club  boasts  a  membership  of  ov  r  200  st  dents.  n
                   its  third  year,  ~he Club  has  raised  enough  money  to  p  rchas  a  ne
                   curtain  for  the  stage.
                     This  years  pro  uctions  included  th  annual  Christmas
                   Deckin'  th  Hall,  a  one  act  orientation  play,~I_t_'_s_v~o~l~~~~----~­
                   Hills,and  the  Spring  Program,Pickle  Puss.Drama.  Clu
                   opportunity  to  isplay  talents  in  acting,dancing,an  sin  ing.


                   Back  Rov:(left  tc  right)  Vicky  Reed,  An-elr  BlocK~r,Jcyc  Skinn  r,  3 -
                   verly  Clemons,Hrs.  C.Levy.
                   Middl     Rcw:  ando  Drawly ,B .cky  Davj s,  obby  E 'mends ,  ar  n  Churrrtan  .)  ·s~n
                   First Row:  Kathryn  Harky,Sandra  1a.rcum,Char·s  Rehbcr  ,C!.:'j c;ty  Pa  l,
                   hy  Heath,Janice  Poole.
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