Page 10 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 10

Some Stuff I Wrote and Some Stuff I Didn't (2011) H. Morris Williams

                  In fact, Tom volunteered so much at Lake City Medical Center,  lots of the
                  employees there call  him  “Dr. Tom.”  Get well  soon, Tom.  A lot of people
                  need you out and about again.

                  SKIPPING AROUND

                  *The  late  Dr.  E.F.  Montgomery,  Sr.,  long  tim e  First  Presbyterian  minister,
                  was recognized as one  of our top citizens in the  past century.  He served
                  the  Lake  City  church  40  years  in  the  active  pastorate  and  17  years  as
                  minister  emeritus.  During  that  tim e  his  influence  touched  most  of  the
                  families here.

                  His  son  Ed  wrote  a  fascinating  book  about  “ Dr.  Mont” ,  detailing  many  of
                  the stories people  have told about Dr.  Mont’s  influence on their lives. The
                  book  sold  for  $15  but  you  can  get  one  free.  Simply  write  your  story
                  about  Dr.  Mont,  bring  the  story  to  Ed  or  me,  and  we  will  give  you  a  free
                  book as long as supplies hold out. You can also email your story to  me.

                  *Last  Sunday,  Salem  Primitive  Baptist  Church,  located  just  o ff  the  Lake
                  Jeffery  Road,  celebrated  their  167th  anniversary.  That’s  special  because
                  you  don’t  find  many  local  churches  which  were  founded  before  Florida
                  became a state in  1845.

                  During  that  celebratory  service,  Elder  Herman  Griffin  told  this  joke.  A
                  preacher  was  preaching  full  steam  when  he  noticed  that  one  of  his
                  members was asleep.  The preacher turned to  one of his deacons and told
                  him  to  go wake  the  man  up.  The  deacon  said,  ‘Preacher,  You  put  him  to
                  sleep. You go wake him  up!”

                  BURMA SHAVE

                  Here  are  two  favorite  Burma  Shave  rhyming  road  signs  from  many  years
                  ago.  “School Zone. Take it slow.  Let the little shavers grow.” ...Around the
                  curve.  Lickety split.  Beautiful car. Wasn’t it!

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