Page 6 - chs-1984
P. 6

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              I  Semor  really  tack  up!  - Bottom·  Tommy  Dema  .  George  Duncan,  Joe  Lee,  Bernard
           Ge  rge,  and  Dale  Elli  .  Middle.  C ndy  Griner,  Terilyn  Boulter,  Ktm  Bailey,  and  Patti
           Wetffenbach. Top: Alii  on  Hammon   heldh  Dav1  , and  Belinda  Pate. 2.  "Do }OU  come  here
           often?"  - Gene  Cleaveland  and  K1m  Kunnemann.  3.  "Oh  my  gosh,  there  he  goe  agatn,"
           - Tom  Ewing  and  Bee  y  Brown  4  Ju  t  havin'  a  little  fun  - Troy  Regi  ter,  David  Brown,
           and  Lewi  He ter.  5  Tere  Go  ,  har•>n  •  agel,  arah Van73nt, Ehzabeth  ae ar, and Robtn
           Vinzant  add  a  little  park  to  Mr  .  'W 1 e'  life.  6.  Andrea  Jone   how  per  nality  that  won
           her the  Mi  CH  C  ngeniahty award to Charna  Elhnwood,  Marty  Padgett, and  icki  Wood.

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