Page 7 - chs-1984
P. 7

The  19  3-84   chool  year  - a  year  of
                                                                              beginning  ,  ending ,  and  clo  er  loo
                                                                                  For  many,  it  wa  ju  t  the beginning of life at
                                                                                H '  with  new  cia  e  ,  new  teacher  ,  new  friend  ,
                                                                              and  new  experience  .   or  other  ,  it  wa   the
                                                                              beginning  of  careers,  college,  and  "life"  it elf.
                                                                                    or the  emor , it  wa  the ending of our high
                                                                               chool  year  w1th  all  of  the  fun  and  game ,  pep
                                                                              rallie  ,  port  , going to lunch, getting out of cia  e
                                                                              for  club  meeting  ,  and  enjoying  the  company  of
                                                                              our  friend  .
                                                                                    or everyone, it wa  the year we  took a  clo er
                                                                              look.  When  we  came  to  chool  on  that  very  fir  t
                                                                              day, we  were greeted by new teacher  who brought
                                                                              with  them  the  knowledge  and  idea  which  would
                                                                              become  our  if  we  would  open  our  mind
                                                                                  When the RAI    Bill wa  up before the  tate
                                                                              Legi  lature,  we  found  our  elve  full  of apprehen-
                                                                               ion  a  we anticipated  the  re  ult  ... "How many
                                                                              credit  do  we  need  now?"  ... "Am  I  going  to  be
                                                                              able  to  graduate?"  ... The e  were  ju  t  orne  of
                                                                              the  que  tion  going  through  our  mmd  However,
                                                                              when  the bill  wa  made into law, the  emor  were
                                                                              relieved that the  were not actually affected by the
                                                                              new  law.  Other  tudent  were  relieved  to  finally
                                                                              know  the  fact  ,  yet  worried  if  they  would  make
                                                                              it  to  graduation.
                                                                                  When  we  took a  clo  er loo  , we  realized  that
                                                                              the  19  3- 4  chool  year wa  one of the be  t  year
                                                                              of  our  live  .

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