Page 14 - chs-1990
P. 14

Is that snow on those palm trees? Why, yes it is! On  December 23, 1989 Lake City found
             1tself  covered  under  a  blanket  of  snow.  Due  to  the  Christmas  holidays,  few  students
             witnessed  this  rare  scene  at  CHS
             Just what are those students domg out among the cows? We  aren't quite sure, but Jody
             Esmg, Rick Summers, and Tammy Hirko are members of Mr. Register's agriculture class
             and  are  pictured  here  down  on  the CHS  farm.

               Some students will do anything to get to class on time  Reaves Cole and Corey
               Daigle try to avoid being tardy to Mrs  Carter's class by using a horticulture cart
               for  fast  transportation.

               Feel  the need to freshen  up?  No  problem!
               Due  to  the  leaky  roof,  CHS  has  its  own  public  shower  system.  Mike  Harlow
               seems to have found  one of the best  locations outs1de  Mr. Campbell's  room.

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