Page 8 - chs-1996
P. 8


             1)~~  OVJ~  tYl  th~  mlx  of  C~$

            August 21st was  a day of many mixul t.mouons.  It markul tht. bt-9inning   fOf':  Mr.  Huddl~i<ln tak~ c;ontl"ol  and  dir"ts tn~~ poor IDst
                                                                                 &OffOM:  Th~~ fdlas  st~~ and  prolil~ t>y  tn~ loc:kus.Jam~
                                                                                 Gr~. Nic;k  Hush man,  Dal~ Gritf111,  and  Anlllony fo'Mlt ar~ Naoy
          of tht. 1995-96 school  for many studt.nts it was  a day of dnad.  It   \14th al n•w Uwad.~ i<l 5t.ri off~ sc;hool 'jQ/'•
          bt-9an  a  grut.ling  daily rouunt.  starnng at 7:58  AM  and  finally  t.nding  at

          3:10PM.  Oth«S W«t. t.xcitul to comt. back. Tht.y had bt.t.n looking forward
          to s~ng thtir flit.nds, sharing thtir summ« advt.nturt.s, and  showing  off

          nt.w clotht.s. lo many it was just anoth«, but to tht. Class  of '96 it
          signitiul tht. bt-9inning of tht. t.nd.  It is thtir last at CHS, gt.tung rt.ady
           for  tht.  world.  Most  St.niors  ct.lwratul  thtir superiority by  gt.tung

 « with  oth« St.niors  and  going  to bnakfast and  caravaning  to
           school, or in anoth« cast., riding on a hayride.

                 Tht. St.nior class wasn't tht. only ont. that ctlwratul thtir  to
           school,  tht. undt.rclass mt.n  also  sumul to bt. proud  of thtir unity. Tht.y

           carpoolul  and au bre-akfast«.  \Aiht.n  the-y arrivul at school tht.y
           atumptul to makt. thtir known, but tht.y didn't arrivt. in  styit.likt.
           tht. St.niors who provul not only thtir st.niority, but also thtir superiority.

            ~w c;lotN$ and Pig smil46 just c;arn. naWraly for ...lrlior W.s Douglas, and s.nors Walta'  nw offic:;• staff is t>usily h~ W"')'C:lN g•t. it all t.og~Uw. Mrs. fa)4or and  Mrs.  Smit/1
            Douglas and fan 'Miams on tN fnt day of sc;:hool.  Hot w~ was as happy to (;OIM   haw it a1 und4r cootrol.

         2  Introduction
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