Page 9 - chs-1996
P. 9

souls  to  t.hcir  'lass~.   IQf.i. waiting for a uh~l~ a~stm~t ~ Mik~ M4-ans,  T u~had Jon~.  Zach  fulu, and
       Willis,  01nt  Clar1c.  Craig   Da'tid  stnckland. Many studults  had  to  g~t s'h~ul~ chang~ and  ""~ wu~ .,;t.nout
        to  impr~s t.h~ ladl4.$   class~ ~ An ~y mOIT'ing g~t to~t.hU' compl~u .,;t.n doughnuts and jlic~ was
                       pU'f~t for good  fri~s.  SUliors  ~ridg~tu ~oum,  &lana Al~xandu, Emily  Ki~fu,  Kar~
                       Odom,  &ldy Sp4-ars, Halt:iwangu, and Jason Armst4-ad know ~at~ good stuff is.

                                                                                   ~ first day  of s'hool  was  th•  sa m•  as
                                                                                   always w• w~ Seniors llt\o had  wai~
                                                                                   t~W~v• ~ to t>• 11r  -Brandi ~ro\Wl '96

                                                                                  ~ fi"st day of school was  grutl My fri~ds
                                                                                  and I cam• to Uhool on ht>aclc of a hay tnJck
                                                                                  ..nn al  of our S4nior prid• sho\Wlg. •  -Ashlu

                                                                   Th•  first  day
                                                                   was     an
                                                                   important  on•
                                                                   for   many
                                                                   sMiors.  Th~•
                                                                   proud  m•mt>~
                                                                   of t.n.  Oass  of
                                                                   '96 -happy to
                                                                   finally  t>•  Mng
                                                                   CHS.  Gat.hrilg
                                                                                  •0n h  first day of school our senior 'aravan
                                                                   tog~thi~r  in
                                                                  .Jol.malis m. t.n.y   roll~ into  Shon~y's  for  so m• m. dining,  w.
                                                                                  mxt mad• a (\uick  run  into Wal-mart to play
                                                                  pos•  for   a   around for a ~. not caring at a1 at>out  t>clng
                                                                  pictur•  worthy   lau for s'hool- it's t.n. first day and- w.N
                                                                  of  this   gr~t   SEN~SIIr  -Patri<::k W4.awr '96

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