Page 9 - chs-2002
P. 9

Left: Kevin Bailey and Keryn Herndon chow down on com
                                  on the cob after a long day of  wimming.  Can her child-
                                  hood predict Keryn's future a  a pro-swimmer?

                                                                                Left: Arin Murphy, Jennifer Edgy,
                                                                                and Justin Ron  onet anxiou  ly
                                                                                await their performance in a fall
                                                                                play at Melro  e Park Elementary.

                                                                                Below: Stephen Ward, Bethany
                                                                                Harden, Su  an Sawyer, Je  ica
                                                                                Ander on, and Stephanie Jone
                                                                                enjoy time away from  chool at
                                                                                 tephen Fo  ter Memorial Folk

                                                                                                Once Upon A Time  3
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