Page 10 - 2013 Columbian
P. 10

Each  cia   ha  that one  per  on who  hine  above the
                                                             rest when  it comes  to  chool  pirit. CHS  has  more than
                                                            just one .... Emily Jordan,  Brayden Thomas, Savannah
                                                             Thoma  , and Shawn Ziegau  are a few of the  "spirit
                                                              uper  tar  ,"along  ide SamBa  sand Jordan  Morrill, the
       ttrAn                                                 guy  behind the glitter.  Emily Jordan (12th)  will go to

                                                             astronomical lengths to cheer on Columbia  High, she
                                                              tated,  "I pretty much  have  purple and gold on  the brain
                                                             at all  time  ."  Brayden Thoma  (11th)  say  , "I am  mo  t
                                                             spirited and there are a few competitors, but they just
                                                             make me strive to be even  more overwhelmingly  pir-
                                                             ited!  Having school  spirit is  all about attitude!"
                                                               When  I went around a  king sophomore  who is  the
                                                             person with the most school  spirit in  their cia  s,  people
                                                             didn't hesitate when  they said  Savannah Thomas. She
                                                             said,  "Being school  spirited  i  n't about how much glit-
                                                             ter or paint you  put on. It's about what you  feel  for your
                                                             school and  how you  show it!"
                                                               It's always hard  finding a spirited  freshman  be-
                                                             cause  they haven't caught on  that school  spirit really is
                                                             cool  but  Shawn Ziegaus  is  an  exception. He  paint  up
                                                             for sporting events and cheers so  much  that he  often
                                                             loses his voice.  Purple and gold definitely run  through
                                                             Shawn's veins.  These are  the students that stand out
                                                                        but each  class  is  filled with their own
                                                                              "Bleacher Creatures"  that bleed purple
                                                                              and gold  forever.
                                                                                                 All'>On  Coker (121'1)

                   Shea  Spears (12th) and
       V1cki  Duncan (12th) are decked out 1n  lace
       pamt and school colors at  the blackout
        ur       1:1   Sam  Bass (12th) and
       Jordan Morril (12th) became a huge part of
       the  football game experience by covering
       themselves in paint and glitter at every
       home game. Here.  they are  pamted black
       lor the blackout game agamst  Ridgeview.
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