Page 14 - 2013 Columbian
P. 14

When asked  "What was  the  1n  pirat1on  lor your
                                                so                creat1on  7"  Corb1n  responded  "I just want to be different I rom everybody and
                                                                  do  omething that expre  e  me and who I am  Everybody wedr  Vans ... but
                                                                  not everybody wear  MY Vans."

                                                                 "Stop trymg to   0\je   R rc..  s  Logan Jone  (12th) expresses her
                                                                 make fetch  hap·   md1viduailty through her hair color and p1ercmgs. Ha1r
                                                                 pen."  Well,  Regma   color can eas1ly be changed  to switch up someone'  look
                                                                 George may like   and there are endless type  of  p1ercings people can  get.
                                                                 "that'  o  ketch"
                                                                 a b1t  better.
                                                                 Student  expre
                                                                 themsell  through
                                                                 art  Sell  expres·
                                                                  oon  po  1bliltle
                      are endle  s:  doodles. tattoo  , ha1r  tyle  , p1ercmg  , tag cdr  , paintmgs. etc.  Faculty
                        and  tudent  · notes are covered 1n  Sl1ck  f1gure  and  miles because of  boring lee·
                         lure  or long meetmg  The parkmg lot is l1lled with car  that have been wnt-
                          ten on:  "happy b1rthday,"  "I love you." "llama  ...  and other random sayings.
                            Walkmg through  he common  mean   ee1ng a vanety of ha1r color  and
                             different p1ercings  Sketche  can  be permanent or constantly changing.
                              That\ what makes them exCiting  It's always somethmg I res h.

                                        Sketched b
                                               Y Ray K
                                                    ozikowsk, (lith)   S    Tattoos have been around since the beginnmg of history. The
                                                                  reasoning behmd mkmg up  is different lor everyone.  Many students choose
                                                                  to put names of  lam1ly members and  loved ones on  the1r body  Others may
                                                                  choose llash art that has a spec1al  meaning or JUSt  because it looks cooL
                                                                  Jared  Bedenbaugh (lith) got a tattoo 1n  remembrance of  a loved one he  lost.

             Henna.  also c   • comes  rom a soul   an  tradition. It's
        usually done at  weddmgs. celebrations. and other traditional ntuals. The
        henna is typically applied to females on  their hands and  feet.  What is henna?
        Henna comes I rom a plant called Lawson1a  Enermis. The leafs are ground
        up and s11ted  1nto a I ine powder then mixed w1th  sugar,  lemon JUice andes·
        sentlal oils. Th1s  IS  how it gets 1ts reddish brown stain. Rhea  Patel  (12th) had
        her hands painted  for a weddmg.
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