Page 14 - 2018 Columbian
P. 14

                                                                                        -      C'- -     Water
                                                                                                c..:>  Activities
                                                                                        . -    _c:l       Read
                                                                                                c..:>   Sun Tan
                                                                                                :s:    Build a

                                                        Gracie Davis (9)
                          When Emylee was a child. a m11th flew   At the na'  salon, Gra<  1e had a man ask
                            onto her mouth. She screamed,   her rt he could break her  mgers back
                           releas ng the moth, wh1ch then flew   onto place because they looked
                           bac  at her and knocked her m the   crooked. She then lied and blamed ot
                          forehead. Emylee has been scared of   on her brother saymg he slammed her
                                moths ever smce    f1ngers 1nto a door, but truthfully her
                                                      1ngers have never broken.

                                                                                                      Lauren Hutcherson ( 1 1 ), p ctured
                                 Most popular summer pastiflles by                                  nght, and Taylor Shaw ( 1 1 ), p<ctured
                                                                                                    above, went on a school tnp to Costa
                                            percentage                                               R1ca where they were able to lear'l
                                                                                                     more about Costa R1can culture and
                                                                                                     volunteer wrth children from a local
                                                                                                   elementary school  The g1rls were alSo
                                                                                                   able to clomb a volcano, see a beaut1fu
                                                                                                      waterfall, nde horses, and v<sit the
                                                                                                   Manuel Anton10 Na!lonal Park  among
                                                                                                     other adventures wh1le on the r tr p
                                                                                                       "We had to learn to adapt to the
                                                                                                     d1fferent enwonment,• Hutcherso
                                                                                                   says, "but I'm gra eful for the chance to
                                                                                                       have gone and e)(penenced the
                                                                                                         different s1ghts and  culture

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