Page 15 - 2018 Columbian
P. 15

Who is your top role model?

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                                                         My role rnodelos a K Pop   "I look up  o Genera Pa  on   "Honestly  my mom os  e besl
                                                         boy band BTS  th  y aren t   because ~e was an ar.'azorg   role mode  for me  She s
                                                         t~e average band tha  starts   m  tary leader  asp re to   a ways try ng ~er hardest to
                                                         drama, and they have a   cortr bute as much as he d d   make sure we have everyth ng
                                                         .noqce style that I ove to   once I por •   we need  I have always
                                                         oslento"                              adm red her for tha  •

                                                                                         During band camp this past
                                                                                     summer, the CHS band worked
                                                                                     tirelessly to prepare for this year's
                                                                                     sporting events and competitions.
                                                                                     One of the favorite parts of band
                                                                                     camp: spint week! "There IS a theme
                                                                                     for each day, and when a section wins
                                                                                     that day, they get the sp1nt plunger,"
                                                                                     accordmg to Sophomore Ora Daar,
                                                                                     "Its basically a toilet plunger that you
                                                                                     get to decorate." The winning sect1on
                                                                                     earns bragging rights, so 1t's kmd of a
                                                                                     b1g  deal.
                                                                                         Despite the competitive tension
                                                                                     between sections, you could say the
                                                                                     groups always "band" together m the
                                                                                     end. "We're JUSt a b1g family and
                                                                                     everyone has each other's backs,"
                                                                                     Freshman Clayton Marts says,
                                                                                     "Nothing can change that."
                                                                                     Band camp takes a huge amount of
                                                                                     time and energy, but most band
                                                                                     students will agree that 1t's worth it.
                                                                                     CHS students appreciate all of the
                                                                                     effort band students put into getting
                                                                                     the crowd pumped at sporting events
                                                                                     and pep rallies.

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